A Sikh woman with a full beard and sideburns became an overnight Internet sensation after she wrote a mature, thoughtful response to an evil post on reddit.com.

Unbeknownst to Ohio State University student Balpreet Kaur, another student snapped a photo of her and uploaded the pic to social news commentary message board reddit.com in the website’s “funny” thread.

When Kaur found out what the prankster had done she wrote a thoughtful comment under her own photo.

Kaur, who refuses to shave her beard and sideburns in accordance with her religion, wrote:

“Yes, I’m a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair,” Kaur wrote. “Yes, I realize that my gender is often confused and I look different than most women. However, baptized Sikhs believe in the sacredness of this body — it is a gift that has been given to us by the Divine Being (which is genderless, actually) and, must keep it intact as a submission to the divine will.”

Kaur, who wrote that she wasn’t “upset or offended,” said of the original poster “they could have just asked” for a photo “and I could have smiled.”

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