CBS News aired a shocking video showing a New Mexico cop firing gunshots at a minivan full of children.
The incident took place last month during a traffic cop, when police pulled over a minivan driven by Orianna Ferrel. Ferrel, 39, was stopped for speeding at a blistering 71 in a 55 mph zone, according to the cops.
Ferrel was ordered out of the vehicle, but she sped off instead. Cops gave chase and Ferrel eventually pulled over. The soccer mom was dragged out of the vehicle and taken behind the van, where the cop attempted to cuff her in view of her hysterical children. For some reason, she ran back around to the driver side door with the cop in pursuit.
Ferrel’s 14-year-old son exited the vehicle and tussled with the arresting cop, who drew his taser. The 14-year-old and his mom then jumped back into the van. More cops arrived on the scene and one used his baton to bash out the rear passenger window — showing broken glass all over the screaming children.
Then, incredibly, as Ferrel peeled off, a cop started SHOOTING at the van full of children!
Ferrel eventually pulled into a resort area where she and her son were arrested.
According to, the district attorney charged Ferrell with five counts including child endangerment, resisting arrest and reckless driving. Her son was charged with battery.
According to her attorney, Ferrel, who was ferrying her 5 children to a vacation spot, was scared. He said Ferrel does not have any prior arrests.
Ferrel is black and the cops are white.
Ferrel was released on $10,000 unsecured bond. Her son was released.
A judge called the video “puzzling” and “disturbing.”
“In many departments, it’s against policy to fire at a moving vehicle,” said CBS News senior correspondent John Miller, a former FBI assistant director. “Now, the officer later said he was trying to shoot the tires out. The problem is, when you’re trying to shoot at a moving car, it’s inherently ineffective. You almost never stop the car, and it’s also dangerous. If you’re firing on a car with five children, you’re firing in the direction of two other officers who are in front of the car so, I think, for police, the biggest problem is going to be justifying the use of firearms in what is a traffic stop that’s spinning out of control.”

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