Fantasia and Kendall Taylor

Love addict Fantasia and her on-again, off-again fiancé Kendall Taylor tied the knot on Saturday in an intimate ceremony with red and black themed decor. Fantasia posted the beautiful wedding photos on her Instagram page yesterday.

Fantasia and Kendall Taylor

In the photo caption, Fantasia begged her IG followers to be happy for her. She said all she ever wanted was “real love.”

Sadly, we all know how this marriage will end. Women like Fantasia often confuse their intense feelings for Love (love is not a feeling).

Women like Fantasia are blinded by Dopamine and Serotonin: the so-called “happy chemicals” in their brains that lull them into false feelings of happiness and safety.

Later, when the dopamine fades, they will wonder what they ever saw in their men.

The good news is when they do divorce, Fantasia will eventually “fall in love” again. And because her memory is so short, she will forget she’s been down this road before.

“This is real love,” she will say when she meets the next man who takes her breath away.

The only question left to ask is which one will file for divorce first: Fantasia or Kendall. I predict Kendall will take Fantasia to the cleaners before the year is out. I hope I’m wrong.

Fantasia and Kendall Taylor

Fantasia writes:

Those who really know me know that I LOVE Water.. Can you see it? How Happy I am.. This Man.. God made him just for Me and me Just For Him.. This Man.. Covers and prays for me and my children EVERY morning.. This Man.. Loves My Father in Heaven and his name is God.. This Man allows me to just be a woman.. No more Hurt because King Kendall will never let that happen.. I’m off to just kiss, Hug and play in some water with This Man.. Look at Him in the pic YEP!! HE COVERS ME.. Be Happy with me you guys cause I’ve been thru SOOOOO much. Some stuff was my wrong decisions but all I ever really wanted was this.. Real Love. This Man and this smile is real… Later you guys bye bye for a while.. God did not forget about me….

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