If you have an active social life offline, chances are you’ve crossed paths with quite a few narcissists. Most narcissists are the type of people you want to count among your friends. Narcissists are usually very attractive, social climbers (think CEO’s, celebrities, presidents); they are charming to a fault, well-dressed and intelligent.

But underneath that false exterior lurks a wounded, disembodied soul who is always on the hunt for their next victim.

Narcissists are sociopaths who believe the world revolves around them. You’re safe from their mental and physical abuse as long as you are not intimate with them.

But how do you know the suave gentleman who frequently admires his profile in the mirror is not a narcissist?

According to Bustle.com, you just need to ask them one simple question.


More from Sandrarose.com:

  • Medical Minute: Are You Raising a Narcissistic Child?
  • Medical Minute: Narcissistic Supply
  • Medical Minute: Sociopaths vs Psychopaths
  • How to Tell If You’re Dating a Narcissist