The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta has issued an urgent health advisory for “pregnant people” who still haven’t received their Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.
The CDC recommends mRNA injections for all pregnant women, women who are trying to get pregnant, and women who may become pregnant in the near future.
The CDC urged Covid-19 mRNA vaccination “either before or during pregnancy” because the “benefits of vaccination for both pregnant persons and their fetus or infant outweigh known or potential risks,” CBS46 reports.

According to CDC data, only 31% of “pregnant people” have been vaccinated against Covid-19.
Vaccine coverage is highest among Asian pregnant women (45.7%), but lowest among Black pregnant women (15.6%), or Latino pregnant people (25%).
The CDC says there are 125,000 “confirmed cases of Covid-19 in pregnant people,” more than 22,000 pregnant women hospitalized and 161 Covid-19 deaths among pregnant women.
22 deaths of pregnant women occurred in the month of August alone, according to CBS46.
The CDC reminds pregnant women that they are “at increased risk of severe illness, death, and pregnancy complications when compared to non-pregnant people.”