Here’s Mariah Carey’s “official” official CD cover for her upcoming disc E=MC². I had to put ‘official’ twice because we were told the drunken stupor cover was the official cover. What is it with labels re releasing CD covers all over the place?

Can’t these records labels make up their minds? It never used to be this way until labels started recruiting their art department staffers from Cartoon Network rejects.

Anyway, I hated the original drunken stupor cover, but I absolutely abhor this here new cover. What I hate most about it is Mariah’s armpit is thrust in my face as I shop in Walmart for my guilty pleasure items.

Note to label execs: If I want to see Mariah’s armpit, I’ll ask her myself, thank you.

So I fixed the cover to suit my tastes. If you appreciate my efforts, please let the label know and maybe they will reissue an official, official, official CD cover next week.