If you didn’t already know, local rapstress Rasheeda’s fifth studio album, Certified Hood Chick, is in stores now!

Don’t tell anybody I told you this, but I heard that the last time rapper Nikki Minaj was in the A she had the nerve to try to step to my girl Rasheeda. Whut? She didn’t know Rasheeda stays packing heat. But I’m sure she found out!

Unlike that hood rat Nikki Minaj, Rasheeda can actually rap and has had local hits. We here at Sandrarose.com love Rasheeda because she is real. She’ll tell you about yourself in a minute. And she is never too big to attend another rapper’s parties without demanding or expecting compensation. In other words, she knows how to be a friend and when to be an artist.

Rasheeda doesn’t floss or perpetrate like Nikki Minaj either. And unlike Nikki, Rasheeda doesn’t wear the same thing EVERY time you see her.

When asked about her nationality (because she does look mixed), Rasheed responds, “I am ghetto, classy, crazy, African American hood chick.”

Oh, and, unlike Nikki Minaj, Rasheeda’s long, wavy curls are REAL!

Personal stats: Rasheeda is married with children.

Source: www.kacimagesandu.com