Once again the Obama administration is up to no good.

On September 10, the Wihte House announced that the communications director for the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts), Yogi Sergant, would be “reassigned” to another position. The reason:

Yosi Sergant (with Obama’s blessings) tried to use a government agency to unduly influence the public and to promote Obama’s legislative agenda. All of this came to light because of a phone call placed by Sargent to artists — including a rep for Russell Simmons — who were asked to help Obama push his health care agenda. A political no-no.

Everything went well until the White House and the media learned the phone call was secretly taped by one of the participating artists. Yosi’s “reassignment” was announced just days after another White House radical, Van Jones, resigned under fire.

You can read the transcript of the phone call and listen to the audio HERE.

After denying any wrongdoing, the White House issued a formal memo for White House staff to let them know that “Government agencies are not supposed to be engaged in political activities.”

Gee, you would think the White House staff already knew that rule?

White House spokesman Bill Burton told ABC News, “It is the policy of the administration that grant decisions should be on the merits and that government officials should avoid even creating the incorrect appearance that politics has anything to do with these decisions.”

Burton also said that White House officials were “enacting specific steps to make sure such a call never happens again.”

Or at least to make sure that no one is secretly recording such a call.
