A Vogue fashion photographer’s photo shoot of two white models in blackface has drawn criticism and outrage from critics who say the photos expose the racist underbelly of the fashion industry.

Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is. I wouldn’t have classified these women as black per se based on their classic Caucasoid features. But that’s besides the point. The photos are artsy and classy.

At least the chicks aren’t jumping rope with baboons like Naomi Campbell was doing in a recent fashion photo spread. Where’s the outrage about that?

This type of shoot is typical of Vogue magazine’s past attempts to increase readership through controversial subject themes.

The Daily Beast’s Elizabeth Gates says white models in blackface is nothing new. Still, Gates, who is black, compares the Paris Vogue spread to “a modern minstrel show”:

“I would be fooling myself if I thought the draftsmen behind fashion’s most beautiful things were ever going to be sensitive to race, black women, or how they represent our cultural history. In fact, I’m not exactly sure why this was a shock to anyone.” Elle’s Anne Slowey admits, “It’s an industry filled with people who have no idea about history and politics.” Read more…