Love & Hip Hop NY stars Erica Mena and Cyn Santana discussed their fake lesbian relationship on New York’s Hot 97 Morning Show with Peter Rosenberg and Ebro.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Erica and Cyn are faking their sexual relationship for ratings. Genuine lesbians can spot a fake lesbian from across the room.
Their body language is often a dead giveaway. When Ebro asked the women to prove they were really in Love, the women proceeded to kiss each other. But their body language told a much different story.
Look at the image above. One of the girls (I don’t know which is which) has her hands on the other girl’s face in a cupping position. This is a classic sign of unease and trepidation. She wants to control the duration and intensity of the kiss because she’s not entirely comfortable doing it. The one holding the other person’s face usually ends the kiss first by gently pushing the other person away. It’s a sign that she’s in the relationship for a reason other than Love.
The women also dropped hints during the interview.
Cyn said, “I’ve kissed girls before, I’ve never been in a relationship with a girl. She kinda forced me, had me pinned to the wall. I wouldn’t consider myself a lesbian.”
She added: “We still like men. When she likes a guy, I know, and when I like a guy, she know, it’s like ‘oh! he’s cute’ and that’s it.”
How much more proof do you need?

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