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Update: Larry Elder says eliminating child support for Black fathers in California will hurt single moms and their kids.

The Republican presidential candidate made the statement in an interview with Fox News.

Elder referred to an 1,100-page report released recently by California’s Reparations Task Force. The task force called for an end to interest payments on past-due child support.

The report also suggested eliminating child support for low-income debtors.

“It’s irresponsible,” Elder told Fox News. “It will probably hurt the very people that people on the left purport to care about.”

Elder said eliminating child support will open the floodgates for men to breed irresponsibly.

“There’s a reason why you have child support, and that is because you are, in my opinion, morally responsible, financially responsible for the children that you bring into the world,” Elder said. “If you forgive them from paying their child support in full, you’re probably going to create an even greater instance in which men irresponsibly breed knowing that they won’t be financially responsible for the children that they bring into the world.”

Originally published on: July 5, 2023 at 09:16 a.m.

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California’s Reparations Task Force says Black fathers shouldn’t have to pay child support because it’s “discriminatory.”

In a nearly 1,100-page report released last week, the task force called for an end to interest payments on past-due child support.

The report said the law affects a “disproportionate” number of Black men who are unfairly burdened with interest payments on their debt.

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“One effect of these longstanding harms is the disproportionate amount of African Americans who are burdened with child support debt,” the report says.

The report stated 18% of child support debtors are black fathers.

The task force proposed a plan that would eliminate the interest payments on back child support and only require Black fathers to pay the principal. The plan would only affect interest payments by Black fathers — not other races.

California charges 10% interest on child support debt, which is 3.5 times more than the national average, according to the report.