Just when we thought the Kanye West sex tape rumors were fake, up pops photos of Kanye’s co-star, a Kim
According to news outlets — and the U.S. State department — a former Guantanamo Bay detainee was one of those
Rihanna told a British tabloid that her numerous tattoos make her almost Christ-like. The 24-year-old singer has collected about 20
She’s baaaackk! It was just a matter of time before Paris Hilton did something stupid to turn the spotlight back
It’s been 3 years since the unfortunate fisticuffs between singers Chris Brown and ex-girlfriend Rihanna, but Brown is still feeling
A British student union group’s plan to promote domestic violence against women may have backfired. Members of the Cambridge University
Presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney defended statements he made at a private fundraiser that was secretly recorded by someone attending (or
In a scathing op-ed post titled “Wake up, Kate; photogs are always watching,” published on CNN.com, syndicated columnist Roland Martin
Another attention-hogging celebrity mother doesn’t get it. Last week, actress/singer Jessica Simpson revealed a photo of her 4-month-old infant daughter
A French tabloid has published shocking topless photos of Kate Middleton, the future Queen of England, reports the NY daily