This past weekend, 4 more trollops have come forward and admitted to having intimate relations with the married golf legend Tiger Woods.

That brings the total of trollops so far to 7. Even more are expected to make their public debut this week.

The latest chick to lay claim to fame and fortune is porn star Holly Sampson, who came forward last night. The 36-year-old from Los Angeles is the star of such films as “OMG, Stop Tickling Me” and “Flying Solo 2”.

Sampson follows on the heels of ‘mistress number 6’ Cori Rist, 31, who is said to have met Tiger in a New York nightclub last year.

Reportedly, Woods secretly flew her around the world and he regularly got her a hotel suite adjacent to his own.

One of the women, Jaimee Grubbs, described Tiger Woods, 33, as ‘horrible’ in bed.

How can that be if Tiger Woods is a sex addict, you ask?

The words “sex addict” implies that a human who engages in too much sex is an aberration of nature. That’s not so. There is no such thing as too much sex in nature. All humans are born sexual. There is no set limit on how much sex humans can engage in naturally. Nowhere in nature is there some rule that says human beings are only allowed to have x amount of sex with each other.

Ever since our caveman existence, we have developed into civilized people who value traditions and morals. So open, wanton sex with abandon like our primitive caveman ancestors engaged in is now considered taboo in a civilized society.

Therefore, men like Tiger Woods who throw values and morals to the wind in order to engage in carnal sex outside their marriage, must be categorized and labeled so the rest of us can feel better about ourselves.

Saying Tiger Woods is addicted to sex is incorrect since narcissists like Tiger Woods don’t get pleasure from sex. Narcissists feed off of narcissistic supply (NS) and Tiger’s NS comes from using sex as a tool to exert control over women. So a narcissist who has no feelings or empathy for others will be terrible in bed.

He will ask self-aggrandizing questions during sex to affirm his sexual prowess. And he will consider it a crushing injury to his fragile ego and ‘manhood’ if there is even a hint that you’re faking it.