Joshua Sole arrested

Joshua Sole is the type of pretty boy who director/playwright Tyler Perry prefers to cast in his films and plays. But the 27-year-old Dunwoody resident quickly wore out his welcome when he literally dropped into Perry’s Atlanta area movie studio uninvited.

Perry, 45, filed for an order of protection against Sole for harassing Perry by stalking him and “simple assault” — but Perry doesn’t go into details in his protection order. He also filed a lawsuit against Sole asking for $100,000 plus $25,000 for attorney fees.

The lawsuit states Sole tried to contact Perry unsuccessfully on Thursday. Sole then scaled a wall outside the expansive Tyler Perry Studios and gained access into the administration offices by dropping down through the suspended ceiling.

Someone at the studio placed a 911 call to police to report a trespasser about 6 p.m. Thursday.

From Atlanta Journal-Constituion:

When officers arrived, the head of security said an “employee Joshua Sole has been acting weird” and had barricaded himself in a room where the administrative offices were located, according to the incident report.

At the time, the security chief was puzzled by how Sole had gained access to the room. It took police more than four hours to get Sole into custody. He was booked into Fulton County jail Friday early Friday morning.

Perry is asking the court to ban Sole from coming within 500 feet of him, and to compel Sole to undergo psychological evaluation and treatment as well as pay Perry at least $100,000. The studio executive will let a jury decide if he deserves more compensation, the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit doesn’t say whether Perry fired Sole or in what capacity he was employed.

Perry says he is entitled to the money because of the “discomfort and annoyance caused by the diminished value of peaceful enjoyment” he gets from the property, according to the lawsuit.

Sole is behaving more like a scorned lover than a disgruntled ex-employee.

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