This is what happens when people react with their emotions rather than their intellect. Loyal reader Mimi wrote in to blast me for posting up-and-coming singer Ken Dahl’s “Lucifer” video on my sidebar. All Mimi had to do was listen to the song and she would have known why I posted it. Instead, she jumped to conclusions and missed out on the opportunity to hear a pretty good new artist.

We’ll miss you, Mimi!

Hi Sandra Rose,
While browsing your site, the “Featured Video” section of your site caught my attention; actually my friends who were browsing along with me saw it first. It was a video about devil worshipping by an artist? named Ken something. I run a site of my own and it seems the video was purposely chosen. I’ve been visiting your site for a while now and you’ve given the impression that you go to Church and don’t favor devil worshipping artists/celebrities/athletes. So, my question is how did that video end up on your “featured/chosen video of the day” section? It is quite disturbing. We actually logged off your site as soon as we saw this. Is there an explanation?